понедельник, 2 июня 2008 г.

Scalp acne causes and how to treat body acne

But if you're someone who would prefer to use natural acne medication to a commercially manufactured one, you can get some excellent results by preparing your own. as long as you can find the correct ingredients. Many people have had good results from home acne medication, which contain the same herbal oils and natural substances that have been used to treat a variety of conditions for centuries.
Having suffered from acne for many years it became evident to me that the acne industry was out to make lots of money out of us poor acne sufferers. They release new acne products in the form of cleansers and pills each month, sucking cash out of people who want a cure for their problem skin...
1) Cleanse-use the mildest cleanser that gets the job done for you. Most people can use glycerin soap with good results. There are several quality brands out there. If you wear heavy makeup I recommend you use a water rinseable cold cream.
tags: acne medication and steroid use, essential fatty acid acne, best skin care products for acne

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