пятница, 26 сентября 2008 г.

Acne adult rosacea

« ...There could be nothing further from the truth than this myth. While teens generally get more acne during their puberty years, they are not the only age group that gets acne. Many people especially women have acne from puberty on through adulthood and even into their elderly years. Acne is not bias to a specific age. In fact, though many teens will suffer from some degree of acne, some people do not see any acne at all until they hit their adult years....
...You may be prescribed with erythromycin to treat your acne. Obviously, the effects will vary from person to person, but if it works, the results can be pretty good. However, do bear in mind that when taking any drugs, especially antibiotics, it is important to follow the instructions given....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

«...Dehydration is a cause for poor skin conditions. Skin that is too dry will cause spots and pimples that will make your complexion a lot worse than it should be. Skin needs to be supple, and your body needs to be hydrated for you to have supple skin. Hydration gives your skin enough moisture so it doesn't become too dry. Dry skin causes your skin to produce more oil which causes more spots....»
Full Text: http://best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com

tags: drink pomegranate & get acne, uvb or uva and skin care or acne treatment, top consumer review acne

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